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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Attitudes and Understanding Survey Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Attitudes and Understanding Survey

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Survey Closes 31 Oct 2024

Please select one answer per symptom.


Yes, I think this could be a sign of cancer No, I don’t think this could be a sign of cancer I don't know or I am unsure
a lump, or swelling in your breast, chest or armpit
a change in the skin of your breast, such as dimpling (may look like orange peel) or redness (may be harder to see on black or brown skin)
a change in size or shape of 1 or both breasts
nipple discharge (if you are not pregnant or breastfeeding), which may have blood in it
a change in the shape or look of your nipple, such as it turning inwards (inverted nipple) or a rash on it (may look like eczema)
pain in your breast or armpit which does not go away – breast pain that comes and goes is usually not a symptom of breast cancer

Please tick all which are relevant

Please tick all which are relevant

Please select one answer per statement

True False Don't know
Cancer screening saves lives
Cancer screening can help to detect cancer early
Cancer screening can detect cancer at a stage when it's easier to treat successfully

Please select one answer per statement


Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree I don't know Prefer not to say
There are things I can do to reduce my chances of developing cancer
Diagnosing cancer early is everyone's responsibility

Please select one answer per statement


Yes No Maybe Prefer not to say This is not applicable to me
Reduce the amount you smoke [Only those who indicated they still smoke in Q1]
Stop smoking completely [Only those who indicated they still smoke in Q1]
Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat
Decrease the amount of processed meat you eat (eg. bacon, ham, salami, corned beef, sausages)
Increase the amount of physical activity you do
Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink
Lose weight

Please select all that apply


Please see print out of campaign materials
