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Metastatic cancer patient survey: Access to cancer support services Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance would like people living with metastatic cancer and their loved ones to tell us about their experiences of accessing cancer support services in Humber and North Yorkshire. We will be asking questions about the information and support you've received and what support you would find helpful as a person with metastatic cancer.

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Survey Closes 12 May 2025

Only applicable if you answered YES to Question 1

Please give approximate date.

Primary Cancer Metastatic Cancer N/A
York Hospital
Scarborough Hospital
Hull Royal Infirmary
Castle Hill Hospital
Scunthorpe General
Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby
Goole and District Hospital
Malton Hospital
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
At the right time in your pathway
The right amount of information provided
The right level of understanding
The right format

Only applicable if you had a primary diagnosis before a metastatic cancer diagnosis

Please select all that apply.

Please select all that apply.

If you are happy to be contacted for either of the following reasons, please leave your contact details on the next page. We will not use your personal data to identify your responses, all responses will be anonymised. Any personal information you provide will be used to contact you if you wish, and deleted once the project has completed. 
