Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance would like people living with metastatic cancer, or loved ones on their behalf, to tell us about their experience of accessing cancer information and support services in Humber and North Yorkshire.
By sharing your experiences, you can help make a real difference. We will listen to you, learn about what's most important to you, and share what we learn with key decision makers both at Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance (including local hospitals and GPs) and Macmillan Cancer Support, to help inform improvements to the support offers available specifically for people living with metastatic cancer.
We will be asking questions about the information and support you've received and what support you would find helpful. Responses to this survey will be combined and themed. Survey responses will be deleted when the project is completed and the anonymous reports/ analysis will be used indefinitely.
Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Boards Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy outlines how we will use any data you provide.
The survey will take around 6 minutes to complete. If you are a carer or family member filling this in on behalf of someone with metastatic cancer, please answer as if you are the person with metastatic cancer. If you have any questions about this survey, or would like a paper copy of the survey or the confidentiality policy, please contact or
Below are some explanations of words and phrases used in the survey.
Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread from where it started, to another part of the body. It is sometimes referred to as secondary cancer or advanced cancer. In this survey we will refer to it as metastatic cancer.
Primary cancer is a term used to describe the original, or first, cancer tumour in the body. Cancer cells from a primary cancer may spread to other parts of the body and form new, or secondary, tumours.
Active anti-cancer treatment is treatment such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted cancer drugs or radiotherapy designed to extend life, slow cancer development and reduce severity of pain and symptoms.
Cancer information and support services give people the opportunity to ask questions and talk through their concerns with specialist staff and/or trained volunteers, and provide access to useful resources such as booklets, leaflets and other information. In relation to the questions asked in this survey, information and support can cover a wide range of medical and non-medical issues, including understanding different types of cancer, coping with treatments, side-effects and care, financial and welfare support, accessing complementary therapies, signposting to other services, or just having someone to talk to.
We understand that thinking about your experience of cancer may trigger emotional responses. Please contact the Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 00 00 if you wish to speak to someone about how you are feeling.
Thank you for completing this survey.
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